Our mission is to build profitable, enduring, and impactful businesses
to generate profits that will be committed to the advancement
of God’s Kingdom.


What is Therismos

“Therismos” is the Greek word for “harvest” in Matthew 9:36-37: “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore beseech the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest.” Our motto is “Fueling the Lord’s harvest”.

Despite its many resources, Madagascar is one of the poorest countries in the world. Almost 75% of the population lives with less than a dollar per day. Churches in major cities and in the countryside are struggling financially. Pastors are usually bi-vocational holding an additional job as a farmer or a stock breeder.

Through agribusiness initiatives, Therismos aims to use these incredible resources from God to support
the expansion of his kingdom.

Our vision

The vision of Therismos Investment Group is to contribute to help pastors and church leaders towards a sustainable income so they can focus on the ministry of the Word and prayer. Therismos also desires to support the evangelism and missions efforts carried out by our partner churches and Christian organizations. Finally, Therismos has been established to contribute to making Madagascar 3M self-sustaining in a few years, and thus be a model to other local Christian businesses.

Please pray that the Lord would be merciful to us.